Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Me...In a Nutshell

This is a randomly random post.  I am sorry I have been MIA lately, but we are in the process of searching for a new house! Yay!  {Don't worry, parents, I'm not going anywhere--if anything, we will be even closer to the school!}

As I was beginning to clean out our closets and organize like a mad, crazy woman--I came across an idea I had years ago, and completely forgot about it--until now.  Although it might be a better idea for a beginning of the year activity, I think it could still be used at anytime throughout the year in order to learn more about your students.

So, I present to you the "Me...in a Nutshell" bag.

I am going to use it as a student of the week sharing bag, challenging my students to find items to place in the bag that will tell us things that we do not already know about them!  

So, here are some things you don't know about me..."In a Nutshell":

1.  I was on T.V.

When I was little, I was on a science experiment show with the awesome STEVE SPANGLER! {Mentos rockets, anyone?  He makes all kinds of crazy science toys, and is a downright GENIUS.} He is on Ellen all the time now, y'all!  Anyway,  I was one of the kids who did the experiments on his weekly show for our local news station for several weeks in a row.  I thought it was fantastic.  I also told all the kids in my class I was famous. {Ha!}  It is my ultimate goal to go to one of Steve's teacher workshops.  I just have to go do some cool science experiments with this guy!  

2.  I lived in Colorado.

I lived in Aurora, Colorado with my mom until I was in the 4th grade--when we moved to Birmingham to be near my older brother and sister-in-law who was having my mom's first grandchild, and my very first niece!  {That sweet little niece of mine is graduating high school this year.  I CAN'T believe it!!!}  On a side note, I have NEVER been skiing, even though we lived in the Rockies.  WHAT?!  So, I really want to ski one day, just to say I have done it!

3.  I am afraid of clowns.

Seriously...terrified.  I have no idea why.  If I get near a clown, even a friendly one, I break out in a sweat and feel like I can't breathe. {I have got to get over this so I can take my child to the circus one day!}

4.  I want to write and publish a children's book.

This has been my dream since first grade!  Writing in my journal was my absolute favorite thing to do in school.  I have written one story that I want to send to a publisher, but just haven't done it.  I might be scared.  But how COOL would it be to read my students a book I have written myself?  I would LOVE to say,  "Oh, and by the way, the author of this story is...ME!"

5.  I have been to Hawaii.

I went in the 5th grade because older brother played football for the Air Force Academy (Go Falcons!), and they played Hawaii!  So, our family went for the game and had a fantastic vacation, too!  I really want to go back there one day!  It was amazing!

6.  My first major wasn't education.

I would like to say that I had always wanted to be a teacher, but when I started college, I actually wanted to go into advertising.  I had an advertising internship that was great, but the experience revealed to me that I didn't have a passion for it.  I was led into teaching when I found out that I loved working with students at vacation bible school at my church!  I can't imagine doing anything else.  I LOVE my job.  {But y'all know that already.}

7.  Favorite movie of all time:  Father of the Bride.

{Steve Martin edition.}  I think I know every word of the movie, and watched it every day of the week leading up to my wedding.  I even had the theme song from the movie played after we were pronounced husband and wife!  {Um, I'm kind of cheesy, and I'm okay with that!}  I cry every single time I watch the part when it is the night before the wedding and the dad and his daughter play basketball together in the snow, and they share their special moment of saying goodbye to her childhood.  It is just too sweet! I cry even harder now, when I picture my sweet Emma getting married one day!

8.  I can't sing.

At all.  It's really kind of embarrassing.

9.  I wish there was a show called, "Dancing with the Regular People".

I'm not a star, and will never be one, but I sure wish I could be on that show!  I may not be able to sing, but I *might* be able to dance!!!

10.  My husband was a White House intern

Yes, I know, that has nothing to do with me, but when he went to work at the White House, it was a huge part of both of our lives.  He had to leave for D.C. only a week after we got engaged. I was broken hearted that he had to leave for months-- but so, so proud of him at the same time!  I went to D.C. several times while he was there and was able to tour some of the cool places that most people don't get to see!  We both will have a special place in our hearts for that city!

So, that's "Me...in a Nutshell"!  

*Teachers...click HERE to get your FREE "Me...in a Nutshell" cover page!

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