Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just 30 Minutes

I've found myself getting frustrated lately ~
I look around at all there is to be done in our home, 
and I'm finding that there are no big blocks 
of time in which to do it all.
This is where the *old* idea of taking it in small 
doses comes in!

It really is brilliant.  
I'm enjoying crossing things off my list. 
Little by little...those *extra* things are getting done. 
The frustration is being replaced with a feeling of satisfaction.
Do you realise what can be accomplished in small chunks of time?
Added up, those small chunks become big.
I've allocated 30 minutes a day to the task of addressing
some of those larger projects that just never seem to get done.
Little by little.  Day after day.  Just 30 minutes!

I think so!

How do you tackle those
looming projects in your home?
Please share so we all can be inspired,
and be an encouragement to each other.

Let's tackle them together.
Ready?  Set.  GO!!  :)

Many Blessings,

**Images in this post are of small *projects*
that have been staring at me for awhile now ~
they're finally getting attention.  Yippee!! 

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