Monday, December 10, 2012

Six Days In ~ An Update

This is a preliminary report ~
Six days in.

Austin has avoided infection so far.
His pain levels decrease each day.
He has walked to and from the little local store
and was able to tackle the hill without a hitch.
There is a spring (albeit a small one) in his step!
There is (a little bit of) colour in his cheeks.
He is becoming more animated and talkative.
The *old* Austin is emerging.
And...he's hungry!!

Good things are happening ~
Please join us in giving praise to
our Great God!

This is a process.
We must be patient.  I must be patient!  
But, the initial response to the pacemaker is positive.
Austin's heart is being worked!
And, it is working.  :)

God is the Great Physician.
HE knit us together in the womb,
and He knits us together after surgery or illness.
Our times are in His hands.
Each day is a gift.

We give thanks.

The road ahead is unclear to us.
But, it is not unclear to our Great God.
We know that the LORD is working out His perfect plan.
And, we know that He does all things well.
Not being able to see around the bend in the road
is difficult for me, but, knowing that the LORD is already there
is such an incredible comfort to my heart.

HE is already there!

Thank you to each and every one of you who
have prayed for us ~
You have blessed our family beyond measure!
This will be an ongoing journey.
As I know more, I will update.
For the time being, *regular* posts will resume.

Life and living.
Day by day.  Moment by moment.
Gifts from HIS hand.
Praise HIM for all HIS goodness!

Many Blessings to you!

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