Sunday, October 16, 2011

Love Letters

My friend
shared the most
idea a few months ago on her old blog.

Today, I am sharing her idea
with you here on mine.

I had planned on just linking
directly to her post.
But, it took me so long to
implement it that now...
her old blog is not available.

The links don't work.
So, I am sending you directly to
her main blog.

I am sure you will be blessed by reading
whatever Trisha writes.
She loves the LORD.
She seeks to LIVE her faith.
By HIS grace.
She is a Sweetie.

Love letters.

We often just imagine them
to be between two who are courting.
But, have you ever thought
of writing love letters to your children?
Or how about your Spouse?

The idea is simple.

You get a journal for each child.
You write a note to them
in it once in awhile.
Or every day if you like.

It might be on special occasions.
It might be when you notice
that they have done something sweet.
It might be *just because*.

Some ideas.

Compose a letter to your child
sharing a memory from their baby days.
Or, tell them what you think is
extra special about them.
Write out a prayer that
you have prayed for your child.
Share an encouraging Scripture passage.

Write from your heart to theirs.

It doesn't need to be long.
It is sure to be a blessing!

Thank you Trisha for sharing your
precious tradition with us.
May the LORD use this lovely idea
to be a blessing in the lives of others.

I am sure HE will!

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