Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Rhythm of Our Days

School has begun in earnest.
We are currently in our seventh year of
home educating our children.
They are growing up so quickly!
Oh how I wish I had known it would be like this!

Yes. I was told.
Yes. I tell others.
And so it goes.

Do we all think it will always be the same,
and then it changes?
Life can be funny. Don't you think?

As I type this, Fraser is playing the piano.
Emma is clattering in the kitchen making cookies.
Austin is at Grandpa's doing a wood working project.
Calvin is at the airport taking photos of airplanes.
Howie is painting.

 It's Saturday.

 The rhythm of life alters for these lazy/crazy weekend days.
During the week it's a different story.
We are busy. Life is busy. But, it's good.

It's all good.

 Austin is in Grade 12 and Calvin is in Grade 10/11.
They do much of their work online.
They hope to go on for further studies beyond high school.
We seek the LORD for what HE has planned.
This year they are working in the office space with Howie.

 It was part of the switching up we did.

 Fraser and Emma have their own little space with me.
It's been a blessing to get back to some of the basics with them.
Just like it was in the early days with Austin and Calvin.

We've come full circle.

 We open the day with private devotional times.
Emma still has hers with me.
Then breakfast, clean up, and a run/walk at the beach.
We return home for academics after having burned off some energy!

The mornings are reserved for English and Math.

Fraser and Emma take piano lessons, so practicing must be done.
Quiet reading hour is reserved for the end of the school day,
it's meant to be done at the same time after lunch ~
usually between 2:00 and 3:00.

 I'm doing Science and History with
Fraser and Emma together this year.
It's more fun that way.
 We are seeking to fit these subjects in twice per week.
Each evening after dinner we gather for family worship.

And so it goes ~ The Rhythm of our Days.

 God is a God of order.
We seek to keep order in our home.
Does it come easy? Sometimes. And sometimes not.
Do I follow *the plan* perfectly? Not always.

But, God's Grace is always sufficient.
And HE is always there.
"And tomorrow is always fresh...
with no mistakes in it yet."
(From "Anne of Green Gables" by Lucy M. Montgomery)

 What a blessing!

 With Love, Camille

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