Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Hybrid Approach

In the last little while, I have
fielded a few questions regarding treatment for Crohn's.
Before I launch into some of what we have been doing,
please let me say, we do not have it all figured out.
It is, and has been, a journey.

Quite the journey, in fact!

I am not a medical professional.
I am just a Mum seeking to do her best for her child.
Please weigh everything I share in that light.

Please also understand this ~ God is Faithful.
He never gives more than we can bear. Never.
What a blessing it is to rest in that. Truly.

A Blessing!

This journey for us began nearly three years ago.
Austin had been unwell for awhile off and on for about
nine months before his condition
escalated to the point of near desperation.
I did some serious research online.
My research pointed to Crohn's and I wanted to be proven wrong.
I pressed for testing to be done and we got our diagnosis.

Crohn's it was.

During this journey of research and testing,
we pursued alternative ways to deal with his condition.
And, he got some relief ~ what a blessing!
It was due to this relief, as well as some reading
I had done, that encouraged us to continue to pursue these means.

Now that we have been on this journey for a full two years,
much has been learned. Some things have remained the same,
while other things have changed. We must flex and grow.

It has been necessary.

Treating our son became a little more complicated when
The focus shifted from Crohn's to DCM.

And, rightly so.

Since those early days of dealing with a
life-threatening heart condition,
my focus has changed.
Everything changed in those first
few days of heart-wrenching uncertainty.

We are seeking to deal with Austin as a whole person.
And, we are taking what one friend referred
to as the "Hybrid Approach" ~ I like that.

The best of both worlds.

I came across a book that seems to be balanced in its approach.

Among other recommendations,
the basic premise of this book
is that you eliminate gluten, sugar, and dairy from your diet.
The author advocates using a good pro-biotic.
He also recommends getting yourself tested for any
immune responses you may have to foods,
and avoid any that are troublesome.

And, over time, relief is often the reported result.

It's simple.
And not ~ at the same time.
It is never easy to give up sugar, gluten and dairy.
Not easy, but not impossible either.

It seems to be working.

Austin has been taking the prescribed medications.
He has also been diligent about diet and taking his supplements.
The Hybrid Approach ~ It seems to be the sensible way to go.

One day at a time. Step by step. With the LORD.
HE is Faithful. And, HE does all things well.

If you are struggling with your own set
of troubles, please feel free to share,
and I will seek to remember you in prayer.
My email is found near the top right of my blog sidebar.

The LORD hears and answers.
HE will never give HIS people
more than they can bear!

What a blessing it is to belong to HIM!

In HIS Love,

**Disclaimer ~ I am not a medical professional.
I cannot advise on any dietary supplements, protocols,
or treatments. I am a Mum who is seeking to do the best
for her child, and along the way, I am sharing what I am learning.
May the LORD give you wisdom as you seek HIM for it! HE is Faithful.

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