Monday, May 16, 2011

Homemade Toothpaste


I wouldn't say it's a big hit.

I wouldn't say it isn't working.

But, it seems to be far better for
you than many of the choices out there...
including some of the *healthy* alternatives.

In my research I have read that
glycerine can adhere to the teeth and prevent
recalcification of the enamel.
I don't know if this is true or not.
Does anyone know?

The *natural* toothpaste we have
in our posession has glycerine in it.


Easy as pie.
And, not too bad.

There is, however,
a background flavour of Baking Soda
that is difficult to get rid of.

It lingers.

I will say, though, that
my teeth feel clean,
and it is cheaper
than what I've been doing.

without any further ado.

Here is *my* recipe...
tweaked and modified
from some I found online.

1/2 cup coconut oil (extra virgin organic)

2 TBSP Baking Soda

Stevia powder to sweeten to taste

Essential Oils of Peppermint or Spearmint...or both ~
Add as much as you like to get the flavour you want.

Mix together in a bowl with a fork.
Put into a little container.
Scoop out what you need with a spoon or knife
and put it on your toothbrush.
Not as convenient as a tube.
But, if it saves money and does the job
without chemicals and fluoride...
well, it may be worth it, right?

I recently broke down and bought some more of
the Nature's Gate Toothpaste.
We were having an out-of-town guest
(who I thought would borrow what we had
in the drawer) and she would have been
subjected to my homemade creation.
I didn't want to force her into
that experience. LOL!

AND, in my was on sale!

Sooooo....will this last??
Will I experiment some more??
Time will tell.

Have fun!
And do let me know how
it goes! :)

Blessings, Camille

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