Sunday, October 3, 2010

These "Ordinary" Days

My sister-in-law, many years ago,
said something that has stayed with me.
On one occasion when I asked her how she was doing,
her reply was simply ~
"I am enjoying the blessings of routine".
What does that mean...really?
Thinking about it more over the years,
I have begun to recognize some of the deeper truths hidden there.

It is a blessing to be in routine.
It is a blessing to have our days pass without incident.

We know when something "out of the ordinary" happens,
it is not always pleasant and sometimes even horrible.
The blessings of routine ~
health, comforts, full tummy, warm shelter,
and the love of family and friends.
These are the everyday and even ordinary happenings ~
these are the BLESSINGS of routine!

Thankful this Monday for "routine" and for friends and family.
May the LORD help us each to see HIS hand in the "ordinary" things
and give HIM thanks for everything HE sends our way.

837. Friendships developing and little secrets shared...
thank you to R and her Mummy for treating us to lunch at a
favourite little tea shop! :)

838. Thankful for boys that help out and even do it with a smile!

839. Thankful for the Thomas Track that we collected over the years.

840. Thankful that Dad took it upon himself to gift much of it to
the boys many years ago. :)

841. Thankful for music in the home and the noise of children ~
did I just write that? ;-)

842. Thankful for the Lego supply we have and the creating that
has taken place with it time and time and time again

843. Thankful for the precious friendship with
sweet little E's Mummy!

844. Thankful too that she allows Emma some up close and personal visiting ~
precious memories!

845. Creative things to do

846. That the boys launched this project on their own

847. Thankful that they did it together

848. Sunday evening popcorn

849. The satisfied customers! :)

850. Mini pizzas

851. Evidence that a boy was here...

852. The cutest boots ever ~
Thank you Auntie Fran!

853. Thankful for the kindness and generosity of
Auntie Fran and Auntie Beverley over the years

854. Outdoor "evidence" ~ a little girl lives here
who imagines and creates with recycling bottles and artificial flowers.

Many Blessings,

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