Friday, August 2, 2013

12 FREE Foreign Language Supplements

I am parsimonious. And I want to learn Hebrew.
I have been wanting to learn Hebrew, since I would love to live in Israel. I don't like Rosetta Stone, I don't know anyone who speaks Hebrew or who is even Jewish, so I didn't know what to do. I came to the conclusion I would have to do it myself. If there is a will, there is a way.

Here are some different resources for for you to learn a language for FREE. You will have to do a lot of research and personalization for each language, obviously. Spanish and French resources will be easier to find than Danish resources.

Why learn another language?
In Germany, children are taught a foreign language in elementary, another language in middle school, and another language in high school. With German, by the time they graduate they will know four languages.

I believe everyone should know at least two languages. Knowing another language gives you great cultural insight! I have always been fascinated about other cultures.

In the following, I will use Hebrew, but you can change it with whatever language you want to learn.


  • Read this article that includes information, polls, tips and resources for learning a language.
  • Choose a language you are interested in. The more you want to speak it, the less likely you will want to give up.
  • Be sure you won't be burnt out in a week of trying to learn that language. Make sure you are REALLY interested in it.
  • Know your learning style.
  • Try to find somebody who also speaks the language.

There are 5 resources your library may have for learning a foreign language:

  1. Books that teach Hebrew (That are meant for non-native speakers)
  2. Kids books in Hebrew
  3. CDs (music) in Hebrew
  4. CDs (for people trying to learn the language)
  5. Kids movies in Hebrew
All of the language resources at your library will be in the 400 section. Ask a librarian for assistance.


This is easiest for Hebrew. There is the Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB), which is in English with certain words in Hebrew. When reading a NIV Bible and OJB simultaneously, you will learn Hebrew.
For example:
Genesis 1:1 NIV In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 OJB In the beginning, Elohim created hashomayim and haaretz. 
You learned two main words: the heavens is hashomayim and the earth is haaretz. When you see these words in whatever program you're using, it reinforces it (and makes you feel smarter). I have learned many words this way.

Psalm 121:1-2 NIV I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2 OJB I will lift up mine eyes unto the harim, from whence cometh ezri. Ezri cometh from HaShem, oseh shomayim v'aretz.
From Genesis 1:1, we know aretz is earth. We also learned to help (ezri) as well as hills/mountains (harim). They say you will be able to hear a language before speaking it. Lyrics in hymns especially will repeat, and when you listen to a song and are able to pick out a few words you learned from other songs, you will be thrilled!

Bible Gateway has nearly every single Bible version for free, including foreign language Bibles. For Hebrew, I found qBible, which has the Bible in Hebrew, Hebrew transliteration, and English - and all three are beside each other.

Challenge: Instead of trying to memorize a verse/chapter in English, try memorizing a verse/chapter in the foreign language.


I am always listening to music. I also find myself humming and singing the song I learned - so why not learn some Hebrew? About 75% of the music I have listened to in the past month is Jewish-related or in Hebrew. Listening to music in a foreign language is a fun and easy way to learn some of the language. When you listen to music in that language, you get a feel for how it's supposed to sound.
I am starting to dissect songs and find each words meaning- and it's improving my Hebrew. Just LISTENING to Hebrew is improving my Hebrew.

I am using a Jewish acapella group, the Maccabeats, for most of my Hebrew music. Mainly because I find it hard to just search for "Psalm 23 in Hebrew" and find a catchy, professional-singer, good-quality (non-live) video of the song. When you find a band you like instead of just a song, you tend to like it more. You're familiar with the style and the lead singer's voice. (Check out the Maccabeats amazing version of When You Believe! The Hebrew starts at 2:42. I included the lyrics in Hebrew and English. Easy, fun, and their voices are amazing! Keep in mind there are no instruments used.)

If you want more recommendations for Hebrew, I like: (videos with Hebrew and English subtitles)

Many songs in Hebrew are hymns/psalms. Being said, finding lyrics is normally pretty simple. I bought some Hebrew music on iTunes, and created videos with iMovie. iMovie is SUPER easy to use. I made lyric videos in Hebrew and English. (See my video Ma Rabu)

Challenge: Spend a week looking for music in the language you want to learn. For a week, only listen to music in that language. Listen to it while you work, while you're doing school, have it on the radio. No English music for a week.


For Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese learners - this probably isn't going to be a great option for you. However, this will work best for Spanish and French. You have two options: watch it in English with foreign language subtitles, or watch it dubbed in a foreign language with English subtitles. I think using both methods would be best. Or, you can watch foreign language films, like watch Life is Beautiful in the original Italian!


For Hebrew, I first simultaneously used the first three trial versions of two different podcasts, Learn Hebrew Pod and Hebrew Podcasts. They gave me a basic knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet, introductions, and just stuff I will need to know in Israel. Many podcasts come with transcripts for spelling and a better pronunciation. For me, podcasts ultimately failed because I am a visual learner. If I hear, I normally forget.


HebrewPod101 on YouTube was a great resource, and they have SpanishPod101, TurkishPod101, DutchPod101. etc.


Set your Facebook, Pinterest, iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc. to that language. Unless its in Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese or Japanese, this should be pretty easy!


iTalki is a paid tutoring resource. However, it also has tons of free resources!
Notebook Entries
Q&A - ask questions, get answers

Live Mocha link

LiveMocha may not be the best resources, but it has some valuable stuff.


Go to the App Store and type up your desired language. "Hebrew" "Spanish" "French", whatever. Then, go and download every free app you think would be helpful. If it looks good, no matter the rating, download it. Then, go through all of the apps you downloaded, weed out the unhelpful ones, and then use the "good" ones. I have found tons of great Hebrew flashcard/letter games and stuff. I have been enjoying the series Nemo Apps for Hebrew. They have tons of flashcard-based resources for a bunch of different languages.


Go to Google and type up "Hebrew color worksheets". I printed off a bunch of kid resources for myself, teaching me the Hebrew alphabet (Almost have down!) and numbers/colors.


I have only tried a bit of Mango, but I love it so far, and it's a great alternative to podcasts for visual learners. I got Mango for free from my (awesome) library. I have downloaded the Hebrew and biblical Hebrew.

What I love about Mango:
  • It's free (for those whose libraries have it)
  • It's easy to use
  • It has literal translations
  • It has pronunciation guides
  • It has grammar tips
  • It allows you to repeat the translation as many times as possible
  • You can work at your own pace
  • It keeps track of time spent.
  • You can download it on mobile devices

Go to Enter your zip code and find your library. If you can find it, enter your library account number, and then create a Mango account. Creating a Mango account allows you to do Mango on your iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone.

Click to enlarge.

Tips for learning a foreign language

Get the feeling for the culture.
The best thing about learning a language is you get to learn about another culture. Gustave Flaubert said, "Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world."
Look up some French recipes or celebrate a Swedish holiday! (depending on what language you're learning, obviously)

Learn the first 100 words.
According to this article, the 100 most common words in any language account for 50% of total spoken communication. The 1,000 most common words account for 80% of all communication. 
And to tell you the truth, I believe those numbers are probably pretty accurate.

Practice for 15 minutes daily.
It is recommended when learning a foreign language, practice for fifteen minutes every day. Every. Single. Day. Not a half hour every other day, fifteen minutes every day. More than thirty minutes daily is too much, and you may get burnt out soon. (Unless of course it's student-led)

Don't give up.
You won't learn any language in ten days. It's frustrating, believe me I know. Don't give up!! 

Immerse yourself in the language.
Rosetta Stone claims immersion. Frankly, you can't get immersion just by using a computer program. Some people recommend putting sticky-notes around your house. Label lamps, beds, food, and other household items with their respective names. Listen to the language as much as possible. Once you have learned numbers, try to really only use those foreign numbers until they come naturally to you. Talk to yourself in the language, even if it's only a few sentences.

Visit the country.
OK, this is not cheap. But, it WILL be an experience of a lifetime! Maybe...senior trip?

Reinforce: Use multiple programs and devices
If you have 3 different apps teaching you Spanish numbers, this is GOOD, especially for Chinese. I like to hear multiple people say a word, just because dialects make things difficult. If you are learning numbers with three different programs, they will concur and better reinforce it. Also, there may be more than one way to say something (formal, informal) , and using 2+ programs will teach that. 
With Hebrew, there are many different ways to write each letter. So while I have the letters down on one, I don't on the other. For example, when learning the letter "a", one must recognize "a" and the circle-with-a-tail "a" you learned to write in kindergarten. Oh yes, and cursive vs. handwritten vs. book Hebrew - fun fun fun! Luckily, I found resources for all three.

Do you have any tips for learning a foreign language? Let me know!

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