Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ministry *Seasons*

Just as there are *seasons* in life,
so, too, there are *seasons* in ministry.
It's easy to read through the account of the life
of one of God's people in a sitting.
However, that life took decades to be lived out.

Have you ever wondered in amazement at all that happened
in the life of Joseph, for example?
Sold into slavery at 17,
wrongly accused, and put into prison for three years,
and, finally, remembered and placed in authority
by Pharaoh at the age of 30.

What about Noah?
It took him 100 years to build the ark!
He did what the Lord required of him ~ patiently, year after year.
Interesting, isn't it, when we stop to consider?
Are you newly married, or living the single life?
Are you a Mum with little ones at your feet or in your lap?
Are you in the *sandwich years* with teens in the home
and elderly parents needing care?
Are you a Grandma with the joys and struggles that come with age?

Whatever season we find ourselves in ~
we ought to rejoice in the LORD!

We can seek Him for wisdom to know what
He would have us do at this time.
His will is revealed in His Word ~ many things are made very clear.
We as women are called, among other things,
  to love our families and to keep our homes.
At certain times, that is all that can reasonably be managed.

I recall my Mum-in-Love telling me of her experience
with a need that presented itself to her.
She was a young believer and was in a church that had a girls' program.
This particular program was run one evening during the week.
My Mum-in-Love was approached by another woman in the church
who requested that she become one of the volunteers to help out.
When Mum mentioned that she had two young boys at home,
the lady told her that she could get a sitter to watch them.
After all, wasn't service to the Lord worth sacrificing for?

This troubled my Mum-in-Love.
Perhaps it was something she should be doing?
But, she was torn.

An older, wise woman gave counsel to my Mum.
She told her that her calling was to her family,
and that she ought not to neglect them in order to *serve*.
She was serving the Lord in her own home!
Perhaps, if her boys had been girls,
and they were attending the program, 
the outcome may have been different.
But, those were not the circumstances my Mum found herself in.

Yes, indeed...there are *seasons*.

Perhaps, it's time to rest and reflect.
Maybe your ministry will be prayer.
Maybe your ministry will be a quiet one behind the scenes ~
changing diapers and wiping noses!
Even during these busy times of life, hospitality can be extended.
A meal or two can be made for another family in need.
In every season of life, there are ways we can minister to others.

Very often, the things we do will be behind the scenes ~
Quietly, for the Lord alone.

Nothing is too small a task to be offered up to Him.
Service to our Great God comes in varying forms.
Over a lifetime, things will change ~ ebb and flow.
He is pleased when our hearts are surrendered to Him.

So, that is where we must begin.
Surrendering our hearts and living our lives for Him.
Seeking Him as to what He would have us do in 
whatever situation we find ourselves.
Praying that He would grant wisdom to discern what those things
are throughout the seasons of our lives.
And, then to do it all in His strength, by His grace ~
For His glory.  Alone.

Many Blessings,

**Praying Hands ~ pencil drawing by my Dad, 1964.

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