Friday, August 17, 2012

In the Midst of Mess

It takes messing things up to get things done.
Sometimes. And, this is one of those times.

Awhile back, I mentioned that we were
switching things up in our home.
We are still in the midst of it.
And, it isn't pretty.

Here are some *in progress* photos to prove it.

Out with the old...

In with the *new-to-us*...
How ARE we going to get this inside??

"It" was Howie's desk
and it was HEAVY and awkward ~
In the end it had to be taken apart.

This is the old office space ~
Howie somehow managed to work during the upheaval.
(No, it didn't always look like this!)

The corner of the old schoolroom...

...And the boys' room with school stuff piled high!

We have books under the beds in three bedrooms
and spilling out into the living room ~
we *love* books, and it's obvious!

I thought the title of the book
most prominent in this picture was appropriate ~ LOL!

But, we are thankful.

Thankful that we are able to rearrange and make
this home more serviceable for our family.
Thankful that we have a home to work on!
As the children grow, things change.
We must flex and change with them.

And it is good.

The next few weeks will be full of painting
and rearranging and preparing for the new school year.
I trust to be *back in the saddle*
in this space once school begins in earnest.

May all of you, kind friends,
enjoy the remaining days of Summer!

Many Blessings to you!

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