Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where My Brain Lives

Some girls keep fancy journals.
They make them really pretty ~
Creative works of art.

I would *love* to do it that way,
but for now, my style is simple.

Two journals sit on my counter
between the fridge and the stove.
There is a pen there too...for recording things
as they happen or pop into my head.

I have a little joke.
It goes like this ~
*My brain lives on paper/in the drawer.*
Really, I believe it must!

I rely on my calendar in the drawer to
keep track of upcoming events.
I keep a running grocery list on the fridge.
And then, there are these two journals on the counter.

Little checkboxes are inked in for keeping track.

One journal contains my gratitude list.
The other is a running list of things to do.
I used to keep *things to do*
lists on all kinds of papers.
I would consolidate and
rewrite and transfer the items ~
over and over and over again. more!

This list is continual.
The checkboxes help keep me accountable.
And the list does get consolidated,
but within the same book.
I do not tear out pages.
If there are too many pages to keep track of
(my list is long) ~
then I consolidate on the most
recent pages and carry on.
Does that make sense?

It feels like my brain is (mostly)
in one place now!
I *love* it!

*To do list* journal idea
is courtesy of my precious husband.
What a great idea!
Thank you Sweetie! :)

What about you?
Do you keep lists?
Do you have a journal (or two or three)?
How do you keep track of all you have to do?
And of all you would like to remember?
I'd enjoy hearing about the methods you use.

May the LORD bless each of you
as you seek to keep your homes for
HIS glory!
Enjoy the journey.

Many blessings,

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